Apply - ACR Homes | Unparalleled Care & Exceptional Experience Skip to content

Here's what we're looking for from Employees at ACR Homes/Arthur's Senior Care

  • A positive "team player" attitude
  • Responsibility, punctuality
  • Good judgment and attention to detail
  • Flexibility and creative problem solving skills
  • A willingness to listen and learn
  • Stress tolerance: be ready for fast-paced shifts that require focus and multitasking
  • Part-time requires a minimum of 2 shifts/week or 10 shifts/month and full-time requires 38-40 hours/week
  • a drivers license is a requirement of all positions for employees aged 18+

Ready to Apply at ACR Homes?

Follow the quick application process below!

  1. Fill out our short online application below.
  2. You'll be asked to attach a resume if you have one!
  3. We will send you an email with a Calendly link if we'd like to schedule an interview with you. That email will be sent in the next 1-2 business days.
ACR Employees (3)

ACR Homes is an EEO/AA Employer

Arthur's Senior Care is staffed by ACR Homes

Complete our ACR Homes Application!

*Even if you initially applied on Indeed or HireClick

ACR Homes Employment Application

Application part 1 (optional) -- please choose YES or NO 

ACR is required to attempt to collect and maintain demographic information on our applicants.
Are you willing to fill out a confidential survey regarding your demographic information?

This data will not be used in our hiring decisions.

What ACR Employees Say About Their Work

"At its core ACR is about people. We serve people with disabilities and to provide those services, we need kind, smart, joyful people to work with them."

~Ryan McLaughlin, Senior Residential Supervisor

"Becoming a direct care professional with ACR Homes was honestly the BEST decision I have ever made. I was not only able to work and accumulate over 2400 hours of health care experience, but also discovered who I am, what gives me the most personal and professional fulfillment, and where I want to go with my next major step in life."
~Laura Richardson

"I feel like I am making a huge impact and difference in the residents' lives at ACR!"
~Renae Sloth, RN

"I love telling people about how great my job is at ACR, not just because I'm paid to better the lives of others, but because my fellow ACR staff and leaders are concerned about my well-being."
~Gabe Larson

"In my work at ACR I've developed into a leader who can efficiently and effectively communicate with physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses and hospital staff so that my residents receive the best possible care."
~Megan Petermann

"The most important thing I learned with ACR Homes is how to respect every person no matter what."
~Olivia Schultz

"[Residents of ACR] turned me from a scared 18 year old design student into a confident advocate for the special needs community."
~Jordan Crosser

"I'm not telling you it's easy, but I am telling you it's definitely worth it."
~Megan Petermann

ACR Employees (2)