Humans of ACR – Amy
The residents are the heart and soul of ACR Homes. As we continue our Humans of ACR blog series, we're excited to share special words from Amy about what she likes to do, how she manages her days, and how she feels about her diagnosis.

"I keep my pencil with me for note writing. I write in pencil first. I have pens from garage sales. They are one of my favorite activities."
"I like to make a schedule each day so I'll be on time and be done on time. I get good hours of sleep. I start getting dressed up on my own time. I make my own beddie pie. Then I fix my beautiful hair.
"I have 198 movies. They're in alphabetical order. I have some new movies too. One with animated jungle animals. I like music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. The greatest hits. I like jazz music and instrumental music too."
"It feels special to have Down syndrome. People say mean things because they don't know what it's like. They weren't born with it. They don't think about it. They should say positive things. Respectful things. With courtesy. I was one of the first three people in my high school to have Down syndrome. I was a pioneer. They didn't know about it, so I taught them well."