Testimonials - ACR Homes | Unparalleled Care & Exceptional Experience Skip to content


ACR Homes conducts an annual survey of guardians, case managers, and family members for feedback on the quality of service we provide for our residents. We appreciate the time and effort put forth to give us helpful information that we can use to improve our services. ACR considers every response we receive and input is very important to us. Below is a summary of scores from the latest survey (2017) and a selection of some comments we have received over the years.

Would Recommend ACR Homes
Physical Needs Met
Emotional Needs Met
Overall Quality of Care

Bob Niedringhaus, M.D.

The house itself, of course, is excellent and would be very hard to beat. The care in preparing it was reassuring, with comfort and safety in mind. Beth asked, after about two weeks in the house, "Why didn't we do this move sooner?" When we asked her what she liked about the new place, she said, "Everything." When we asked what she didn't like, she said "Nothing." Having been in medical practice for over 25 years myself, I have learned to tell good care from just show. The quality of your program, staff, and facility for our daughter surpasses our expectations.

Dave and Darlene Rudolph

We are very impressed with all the staff. They are caring, capable, qualified, energetic, and friendly. Our daughter's social life has really improved! She goes shopping, bowling, swimming, out to eat, music concerts, church, and visiting other homes - and many outdoor activities in the summer...Our daughter had lived with us for all of her 29 years and we were very worried about her moving into a home with someone else caring for her. We are pleased to say that we have peace of mind with the home she has and the quality of care she receives at her ACR home.

Trish Odne

The quality of ACR Homes is unsurpassed in the group home industry. As a mother, I couldn't be more pleased and satisfied with the level of care, love, and attention given to my son.

Gerry and Bill Donoho

We have always felt that ACR Homes have a more "home-like atmosphere" and that the residents are relaxed and happy. They are also treated on an individual basis and their best interests are always taken into consideration when any decision needs to be made. We would recommend ACR Homes to anyone needing their services.

Shelly Abraham

Brian's quality of life has improved dramatically. The staff at ACR do an excellent job making the residents feel important and empower them to help with the decisions that need to be made each day. Brian feels like an important part of the Robin Court "family." Thanks for the outstanding job you all do.


ACR Resident

ACR had two interior decorators work on our house. They had every room painted and they purchased beautiful furniture and accessories. My house is gorgeous. It is one of the nicest bachelor pads around! The staff are so wonderful. They treat me with dignity and respect. They are always interested in discovering my likes and dislikes. My nurse is amazing! She spends a great deal of time with me and she attends all of my doctor appointments. She is determined to keep me healthy and she spends a lot of time and energy to do so. My family and I are very impressed with ACR and they continue to exceed our expectations. One of the greatest blessings in our lives has been ACR. They have been a dream come true!

Cathy Durand

The high standards at ACR are reflected on the staff they hire. It is my understanding that training and instruction are ongoing. ACR values guardians as important members of a team that works together for quality living. Thank you ACR!

Robert Kline

The caliber of the young men and women hired as staff is extraordinary. They are thoughtful and caring and show a maturity beyond their years. We're happy to be served by them and your organization.

Pastor and Betty Larson

We are very blessed to have our daughter Terri at one of your ACR homes. She has truly blossomed under the excellent care of your providers. Her staff are always cheerful and ready to sit down with us and answer any and all questions that we have. Her life could not be any better and we are comforted to know this.

John and Merryonne Fudali

Our family's experience with ACR has been positive and fulfilling. Our son has grown as a person. It makes us feel so good to see the kind of person he is becoming.

 Jill Goldstein

My family was concerned with the level of care Bart and his roommates were receiving. We began the process of interviewing other providers to care for Bart. Our social worker suggested that we visit the ACR house on Trenton, because she was so pleased with the care some of her clients were getting living there. Our first meeting with ACR was meeting Jim Nelson at the home on Trenton in Plymouth. We were impressed with everything Jim shared with us. We could not believe how beautiful the home was and we were thrilled to hear that the supervisor of the home also lived in the home.


Our next meeting was with Jim Nelson and Gene Leistico at Bart’s home. They were able to witness first hand our concerns. They stated they would move as quickly as they could to ensure that Bart and his roommates could be removed from their current situation and cared for by ACR.


The first day ACR took over running Larch, Gene Leistico, Deb Nygaard and many other individuals from ACR helped us clean the bathrooms, the jets in the bathtub, the carpeting, floors, etc. until all hours of the night. Within the next couple of days, there was a dumpster in the drive way and it was filled very quickly. The entire house received new flooring, every room was painted and there was new furniture throughout the entire house. The house was turned into a home within a matter of weeks.


There was a period of 7 years that Bart was very ill and we spent countless days and nights alongside him in the hospital. I will never forget the first night Bart was hospitalized once ACR ran Larch, there was a staff person with him 24/7. Words cannot describe what peace that gave me and my family. We usually made ourselves ill during Bart’s hospital stays due to lack of sleep and the amount of stress from his illnesses. ACR enabled us to sleep and give us peace of mind when Bart was ill and we knew that he was in the best of care, 24/7.


ACR has been such a blessing for Bart and our entire family. Bart leads a full, healthy and happy life and we have ACR to thank for that.

Nancy McAlpin

Every aspect of Joe's home with ACR has been positive. The high quality environment, attention to his safety, communication, and of course the incredible staff that has always met his special needs with promptness and an extremely pleasant attitude. We are always made to feel welcome at any time to visit. I have found Joe's house to always be immaculately clean. His meals are nutritious and plentiful. His weight is carefully monitored as are all of his physical needs.

Peggy Rinehart

The love and compassion the staff show my daughter and all the ladies is astonishing. And it demonstrates what ACR does best: recruit, develop, and support caregivers. Your work is driven by much more than good intentions and love, it is driven by a mission grounded in acceptance of families and people with disabilities, excellent communication, and a commitment to developing respectful, long-term relationships. Thank you, especially for being such strong supporters of people with developmental and physical disabilities and their families. You embrace our relatives and help parents like us feel good about our decisions, rather than feeling guilty about asking for help. Your advocacy and commitment to pride and dignity has improved the quality of life for all your residents. But most of all, thank you for taking such good care of Alison. With your help, Ali has friends, a warm and loving home, and has found her place in the community. What parents could wish for more?