Co-Residential Supervisor/ Co-Group Home Manager - ACR Homes | Unparalleled Care & Exceptional Experience Skip to content

Co-Residential Supervisor/ Co-Group Home Manager

A Coordinated Management & Leadership Opportunity


Employment Information:

Rate of Pay effective 12/29/24:

starting at $47,000+/year
$50,000+/year for third year of ACR Homes experience and beyond
Plus free living expenses may be available--a $24,000 value!
(rent and utilities)

+ $25/hour for additional direct care beyond requirement

Employment Type:

Suburban Twin Cities

Benefits Information:

Full-time Employees are eligible for the following benefits:

  • Paid time off (PTO) & earned sick and safe time (ESST)
  • Traditional health insurance plan
  • FREE NICE HEALTHCARE subscription allowing eligible employees free virtual and in-home visits with nurse practitioners and PA's. Options for free prescriptions, mental health services, and xrays (See their website for more details and to find out what's covered free of charge).
  • Vision, dental, and pet insurance
  • Long-term disability
  • Voluntary short-term disability insurance & supplemental life insurance
  • 401k

*Additional compensation includes optional extra asleep shifts paid at $11.25/hr, bonuses, and advancement opportunities. Live-in supervisors are responsible for 5 asleep shifts per week as part of their live-in agreement. 


This is a team approach to our standard Residential Supervisor role. Residential Supervisors supervise 10-25+ exceptional direct care staff and manage the group home program including being an advocate, managing all household operations, and overseeing care for the individuals who have disabilities who live there.  The Residential Supervisor is either a live-in or live-out position. Live-in Residential Supervisors (and their spouse and children, if applicable!) live on site rent-free in a 2-3 bedroom live-in area of the home. 

Working along side a co-residential supervisor, this partnership would include 2 supervisors co-leading a home. On-call responsibilities, appointments, administrative work, and meetings would be divided between the two individuals.

24-hour on-call coverage would be required between the 2 co-supervisors. For example, 1 supervisor could be on-call for a week, then they would be "off-call" the following week when their co-supervisor takes over. Both supervisors would be full-time each week between administrative and direct care work. Both supervisors would have a 28-hour direct care requirement per week.

Ready to find out more?

Check out the additional benefits of being a live-in RS!


Work with a co-supervisor to:

  • Oversee residents' healthcare, safety, interests and choices
  • Supervise staff
  • Manage household operations
  • Interact with residents, perform direct care
  • Work effectively with supervisors and coworkers
  • Work effectively with guardians and case managers
  • Demonstrate leadership
  • Follow through with required paperwork
  • Participate in training and development
  • Uphold ACR's Core Values
  • Present a positive attitude and professionalism
  • Adhere to scheduling policies
  • Carry a cell phone, manage the house mail, voice mail and E-mail
  • Adhere to company policies and procedures
  • Accept other duties as assigned by a superior
  • Report illegal activity



  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must have a valid U.S. driver’s license, reliable transportation and a good driving record
  • You must be able to do some lifting
  • You must be willing and able to work with male and female clients
  • You must be able to work independently and you must have interpersonal skills including empathy, responsibility, self-control, good judgment, and overall adjustment
  • You must be able to see, hear, speak, interact, and write in English sufficiently to perform the essential functions of the position

This is intended as a summary; additional functions and requirements are stated in the full job description below

ACR Homes is an EEO/AA Employer

Residential Supervisor (RS) Full Description and Requirements

Residential Supervisor (RS) Description and Requirements

REPORTS TO: Program Director (PD)

PURPOSE OF THE POSITION: Provide for the health, safety and well-being of individuals with disabilities in the home(s) for which you are responsible; support their interests and choices so that they may lead fulfilling lives; supervise staff and direct the facilitation of the healthcare, safety, interests and choices of the people with disabilities for whom you are responsible; and manage the operation of the household.

ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: The following functions have been determined by the Company to be essential to the successful performance of this position.

1. Oversee Residents’ Healthcare, Safety, Interests and Choices

A. Oversee and ensure the health, safety and well-being of residents in the home for which you are responsible. Be attentive to resident health and safety needs as well as their interests and choices and facilitate appropriate support.

B. Oversee resident medical care including but not limited to scheduling, attending and or staffing appointments, ordering medications, implementing doctors’ orders, being a liaison between medical personnel and ACR, ensuring upkeep of medical equipment, and ordering medical supplies. Delegate these duties as appropriate. Alert the house RN to any needs for protocol changes or new medical protocols.

C. Serve as the primary representative of clients and of ACR in contacts with residents’ family members and friends, guardians, case managers, day program and medical personnel, licensors, neighbors and vendors.

D. Plan and facilitate meetings and celebrations on behalf of residents, including team meetings, birthday parties, holiday parties and other events. Delegate these duties to staff as appropriate.

E. Ensure that resident clothing and belongings are clean, up-to-date, in good condition and that resident furniture is properly cared for and in good condition. Facilitate shopping trips and dry-cleaning as needed. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

F. Oversee the purchase of residents’ personal and program supplies; delegate these duties as appropriate.

G. Manage Client Trust funds as needed. Maintain documentation relating to resident finances including receipts for all purchases and deposits made on behalf of residents. Monitor petty cash. Pay bills in a timely fashion. Complete and distribute monthly and quarterly reports. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

H. Ensure that the CSSPA is up-to-date and in keeping with any changes in resident needs. Ensure that all staff are trained initially on each CSSPA as well as when changes are made to them. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

I. Ensure that goals are updated based on results of FSSI, CFA, person-centered plan and other CSSPA documents, as well as the list of needs determined annually by the resident’s team. Ensure that staff follow through with documentation of goals. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

2. Supervise Staff

A. Be a motivator and leader for staff.

B. Demonstrate correct procedures in facilitating residents’ goals, healthcare, well-being and activities.

C. Adapt and assist when problems and emergencies arise.

D. Oversee the initial training of new staff and ensure that staff complete their required training and training verification within the timeframes specified by licensing. Personally conduct an initial meeting, one shadow shift and some of the house orientation. Delegate other duties as appropriate. Give new staff a performance appraisal when they have completed their first 60 days after hire.

E. Ensure that staff meet ongoing training deadlines appropriate to their positions and in accordance with licensing requirement and that they complete and submit related training documentation.

F. Serve as a role model for staff in positive tone, morale, and professionalism in interactions with residents, other ACR employees, residents’ family members and friends, County Case Managers, day program personnel, medical personnel and others.

G. Ensure that staff are fulfilling their job descriptions.

H. Ensure that staff care and documentation meets requirements with regard to medications, treatments, resident goals, petty cash, health progress notes, comm. book, cleaning list, and other areas.

I. Give staff feedback on job performance in a prompt, tactful, direct and consistent way; follow through with appropriate documentation of employee issues.

J. Encourage staff regularly. Document and give at least four affirmations to staff each month, such as written notes or other tangible forms of affirmation.

K. Be attentive and responsive to employee concerns and refer issues to appropriate personnel in the company as needed. Demonstrate tact, kindness and concern toward staff.

L. Ensure that staff receive annual written Performance Reviews and when improvement is required, ensure follow up on those issues. See that documentation is properly filed.

M. Oversee scheduling of staff and post a schedule for the upcoming month by the 20th of the preceding month. Fill open shifts as necessary. Facilitate holiday scheduling to enable staff to plan ahead and to share holiday responsibilities. Delegate details as appropriate.

N. Plan and facilitate monthly staff meetings and cover required topics. Ensure that staff complete and submit training verification.

O. Adhere to and relay Company policy and procedures, licensing requirements, and other company information in a positive, supportive and professional manner.

P. Assist in recruitment and selection of staff when requested.

3. Manage Household Operations

A. Ensure that the household meets all regulatory requirements.

B. Oversee the preparation and implementation of emergency evacuation and safety procedures. Conduct and document monthly fire drills and quarterly severe weather drills. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

C. Manage the household budget.

D. Check the Awake Night Duty list and household cleaning lists regularly to ensure continuity in household operations. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

E. Change the awake night light timer when directed. Check Awake Night punch cards or retrieve voice mail messages from Awake Night staff person each morning (on business days only). Delegate these duties as appropriate.

F. Oversee meal planning, purchase of food and meal preparation to ensure that they meet nutritional guidelines and standards set forth by the overseeing dietitian and applicable doctor’s orders. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

G. Oversee the routine and emergency cleaning and maintenance of the property, house appliances, furnishings, equipment and vehicle and notify ACR maintenance staff for needed repairs that cannot be performed by yourself or other staff in the home. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

H. Ensure that the driveway is clear of snow and ice; this means clearing it before traffic compacts the snow, and may involve clearing it yourself and/or delegating to staff to clear it.

I. Oversee yard maintenance; this may involve planting and maintaining flowers or other landscaping, mowing grass, and raking leaves yourself and/or delegating to staff to do it.

J. Oversee and maintain supplies for residents’ personal and program needs, resident medications and medical supplies, household and grocery needs, office supplies and forms, and petty cash. Plan ahead so that supplies do not run low over weekends and holidays. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

K. Facilitate good relations with neighbors; this includes ensuring that the home, yard and driveway are well-maintained and attractive, ensuring that the impact of employee traffic and parking in the neighborhood is minimized, being appropriately responsive to neighbors’ concerns and facilitating household participation in neighborhood activities. Delegate these duties as appropriate.

4. Interact with Residents

Interact with residents according to the Direct Care Professional (DCP) job description.

5. Perform Direct Care

A. Perform direct care as specified in salary agreement unless otherwise directed by a Lead Program Director. Adhere to the DCP job description when performing direct care.

B. Remain available to assist with emergency response as needed, such as when unexpected staffing needs arise or when emergencies arise that require additional staffing.

6. Work Effectively with Supervisors

Seek and follow the advice and directions of supervisors including your PD, the House RN or other superiors when you have questions concerning your performance of the functions of your job. Work as a team player with your supervisors and communicate effectively and professionally with them both verbally and in writing. Participate in a monthly call-in with management staff. Inform your PD of all significant concerns that are out of compliance with policy and procedure, such as issues related to possible harassment or discrimination, staff concerns that may require disciplinary action, employee work related injuries or other possible insurance claims, employee work restrictions, leave requests, negative interactions with guardians, case managers, neighbors, school, or day program, Vulnerable Adult Reports or Incident Reports, significant changes in resident behavior or health, any threats to health and safety, essential appliance malfunctions or any other concerns about which your supervisor should be informed.

7. Work Effectively With Guardians and Case Managers

Strive to facilitate a positive, interactive professional relationship with the residents’ guardians and case managers. Update them following every medical appointment and regarding every incident report. Give them at least one “positive only” call a month. Ensure that they receive quarterly reports. Facilitate their participation in annual and semi-annual meetings when they are needed. Seek their input and approval regarding CSSPA changes in keeping with changes in resident needs. Listen and respond to their input and concerns.

8. Demonstrate Leadership

Adhere to ACR’s leadership philosophy and training in all aspects of your work, including the MTAAALLP and OSDV leadership models and other leadership concepts with regard to resident well-being, personnel and household management, and other company business. Demonstrate leadership and creativity in problem-solving and in proposing new ideas for resident care and household tasks.

9. Follow Through with Required Paperwork

Ensure timely and accurate completion of required documentation, reports, applications and other paperwork with regard to resident, staff and household issues. Turn in financial paperwork including staff timesheets, reimbursements and change of status forms according to deadlines. Complete required paperwork according to deadlines established by your supervisor.

10. Participate in Training and Development

Follow the DCP Job Description directives for training and development.

Participate in other training and development as directed by program director.

11. Uphold Core Values

Follow the DCP Job Description directives for upholding core values.

12. Present a Positive Attitude and Professionalism

Follow the DCP Job Description for presenting positive attitude and professionalism.

13. Adhere to Scheduling Policies

When working direct care, you must be punctual and ready to start your shift at designated times and you must continue working until you are replaced by another staff person. You must find your own replacements for scheduled direct care shifts and you must designate an appropriate person to fulfill your on-call duties and assume supervisory responsibilities when you need time off due to illness, vacation or for other reasons. You must notify your PD of significant scheduling changes and emergencies. You must help fill in for sick employees and work occasional unexpected shifts, and you must work a share of weekends and holidays.

14. Carry a Cell Phone, Manage the House Mail, Voice Mail and E-Mail

Be the primary contact responsible for the cell phone, voice mail and/or email unless delegated with PD approval. Be responsible for the house on-call number in which you carry a cell phone to ensure that you or another person you designate provides coverage twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Ensure that all household and resident mail and office mail is opened and responded to and/or filed in a timely and appropriate manner. Respond to calls and text messages in an appropriate timeframe according to the nature of the message, or by the end of the business day for voice mail messages. Manage the house voice mail and email accounts, oversee the timely retrieval and response throughout each business day. Be on-call at least one weekend a month, and when on-call adhere to requirements regarding staying within sixty minutes of the home, and having alternate care available for children and/or pets as needed, should an emergency arise.

15. Adhere to Company Policies

Adhere to all company policies as stated in the current ACR Employee Handbook, the Supervisory Manual and the Policy Book located in each house.

16. Accept other Duties as Assigned by a Superior and/or as Indicated by Salary Agreement.

17. Report Illegal Activity

Report any illegal activity that you observe or are somehow otherwise aware of to a superior.


You must possess all of the requirements and qualifications listed under this same section of the DCP Job Description.

PLACES WHERE WORK IS PERFORMED: In all places listed in the DCP job description and the ACR Main Office.

PREPARATION OF JOB DESCRIPTION: This job description was prepared from observing the work in process and from information provided by ACR RSs and PDs. It was prepared by Kristin Pitchford, HR Director of Policy & Compliance, and Lead Program Directors with ACR Homes, and is updated from time to time.