Flexible Job Opportunities for every schedule
Reality throws lots of different scheduling needs at us, and we need a job that can help us make it ALL work.
Our first priority is making sure that the people we support have kind, competent, hard-working staff to reliably meet their needs. From there, we have a variety of positions to meet the varied needs of employees no matter what life throws their way!
Our homes are open 24/7 which allows us to offer a variety of shifts. Depending on the home, some of our typical shift start and end times are: 6am-9am, 6am-2pm, 7am-3pm, 2pm-10pm, 3pm-11pm, and awake overnights 10pm-6am, 11pm-7am, or 10pm-8am. These are some of our standard shift start and end times, but we are able to work with unique schedules to shorten these shifts in some settings.
Below are some of our flexible hourly direct care opportunities:
Weekend Direct Care Professional (with full benefits at 30-32 hours/weekend)
Work 4 weekend shifts a week for a total of 30-32 hours and receive our full benefits package including acquiring PTO. You'll be based at one of our group homes where you'll get training to meet the unique needs of the 3-5 people who live there. You'll then get lots of time to get to know them, develop relationships, and learn how to best meet their needs. Scheduling will be done on a monthly basis.
Work part-time (2 shifts/week) or full-time (38-40+) and get scheduled a week in advance. This position can allow for a relatively consistent schedule, if desired, or a different schedule each week. The variable will always be what house you'll be based at for each shift. Full-time floats will qualify for our full benefits package including acquiring PTO!
**This is not a position we hire directly into, but if you display the dependability and reliability this position greatly requires, you could be approved shortly after training completion.
E-float (Full-time)
E-floats are full-time direct care employees who are scheduled the day before their shift. Like the other float position, it is possible to have a relatively consistent schedule when possible, or to switch it up to accommodate needs that come up on a day to day basis. E-floats are trained to work at any of our ACR Homes. Full-time e-floats will qualify for our full benefits package including acquiring PTO!
***This is not a position we hire directly into, but if you display the dependability and reliability this position greatly requires, you could be approved shortly after training completion.
Part-time Direct Care Professional (2 shifts/week or 10 shifts/month)
Our part-time employees must maintain the scheduling consistency of working at least 2 pre-scheduled shifts/week, but there are a lot of different ways to get those hours in. This would most commonly be approximately 12-16 hours/week. The schedule for these employees is made one calendar month at a time which allows for pre-planning and adjustments to be made where possible. If you end up with more time in your week than anticipated, it could be possible to pick up more hours at your home or another home on a shorter term basis too!
Full-time Direct Care Professional (38-40+ hours/week)
Our full-time employees must maintain the scheduling consistency of working at least 40 pre-scheduled hours per week, but there are a lot of different ways to get those hours in. The schedule for employees is made one calendar month at a time which allows for pre-planning and adjustments to be made where possible. Full-time DCPs will qualify for our full benefits package including acquiring PTO!
Those are just 5 opportunities at ACR with some unique scheduling flexibility! Check out our Employment Opportunities page to learn more about the requirements, descriptions, and benefits offered for each position.